What if?


Hello Earth Angels

This week I was feeling rather overwhelmed. Something that can happen easily when you’re an introverted empath like me! And because Christmas is coming and I’m trying to get a lot done it is easy for me to forget self-care. This is a slippery slope for me. It goes like this:

overwhelm – moving too fast – no self-care – stress – negative thinking – melt down – drama – crash and burn – stop – re-group – centre – back to when life is good until the cycle starts again.

Now I don’t do these too often now, which means my life has far much less drama in it which is wonderful.  The problem is when it does happen it can be slow to recover from because it strips me of energy more quickly. So in an attempt to understand this I started one of my favourite expansion games – I call it What If?

What if

  • all the suffering and drama I create is simple my ego self saying “You’re not paying attention to me and I’m exhausted and feeling unsafe with all this responsibility?
  •  I placed the ego in a “softly-padded-no-harm-can-be-done-cell” and let it rest from its constant job of protecting me from all the harm it perceives me to be in and let the  rest of me take over and do what needs to be done next
  • I let my intuitive self take over and lead me not into the temptation of the ego to see everything as a matter of life and death but the gentle place of next action wrapped in the arms of uncertainty and not sure?
  • I allowed the very next act I take to be the first step on the way to recovery?
  • I focused on the steps one after another and acknowledged how far I have come and how each step taken in awareness connects me more deeply to what is right and perfect now, even if that now is about crying my eyes out in frustration, pigging out on ice cream or looking through the wanted ads?
  • trusting myself begins with the statement “I don’t trust myself to make the right decision but I’m going to stay with that and see what happens because I’ve faced my fear that I can’t do this on my own?”
  • the dilemma of needing to be perfect, to do the right thing (in accordance with my highfalutin sense of righteousness) is the very thing stopping me from being able to make the right choice?
  • by allowing the pieces of my life to rearrange themselves into the best possible solution I would by default get exactly what I need, want and desire?

Asking “what if?” opens up possibilities and with that opportunities come.

Saying “But and No” closes them down.

In this moment of time I think I’d be better served to open up to possibilities – how about you?


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A Soul Strategy Session can be very helpful when you’ve closed your options down and are having difficulty seeing the way forward. why not book one here.


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