Introducing: First Aid for Spiritual and Emotional Wellbeing


Hello Earth Angels

Spiritual and emotional health are as are important as physical and mental health to our vibrant wellbeing and joy in life. But while you may know how you’re feeling, you may not know how to solve the problem. This is where the angels and I come in. Through their guidance I’ve been asked to make the information in this e-book available to you.

But before we go further…

How are you feeling right now?

Have you noticed any of these symptoms inexplicably come and go in the last few weeks?

Do you recognise some symptoms playing out in your life on a regular basis?

Answer Yes or No to these questions.


# Symptom  Yes/No
1 A sudden drop in energy for no reason
2 A feeling of heaviness of heart or spirit and in some cases body
3 Sudden and inexplicable tiredness
4 Foggy thinking
5 Tired, blurry or scratchy eyes
6 Body aches and pains without any reason
7 Lightheaded-ness
8 Feeling like you head has a mask on it
9 Bumping into things, particularly one side rather than the other
10 Headache or tension
11 Pain at the crown of your head
12 Shallowness of breath
13 Feeling out of balance or out of sorts but not knowing why
14 Overwhelmed by feelings that don’t seem to be yours


0-5 Yes answers  – You have good boundaries and energetic health

6-10 Yes answers – You are affected by your environment and need to watch your responses and apply some techniques to maintain spiritual and emotional wellbeing.

11-14 Yes answers – You are highly sensitive and easily impacted upon by the energies around you. You would definitely benefit from adding techniques for energy balancing into your daily regime.


These symptoms can be as a result of feeling disconnected to Spirit and Earth.


First Aid for Spiritual and Emotional Wellbeing ~ How to be sane in a frenetic world.


This 36 page guide will teach you everything you need to know about keeping your energy clear and balanced when all around you is frenetic, overwhelming and exhausting.

What’s in the book?

  • Quick and Easy First Aid Techniques to find calm and balance in your life
  • Quiz to explore your sensitivity levels
  • Multiple ways to re-connect to spirit that you can choose to suit your circumstances

and personality

  • How to apply techniques while on the phone
  • What’s an energetic vampire and how can you protect yourself from them
  • Drug use and energy fields
  • Depression and energy fields
  • Toxic Places and how to deal with them
  • Resources to help you strengthen your energy field
  • Case Studies


You can get your f.r.e.e. copy here.


With love and blessings from the Angels and me…


Politics, uncertainty and a New Moon in Cancer.



Hello Earth Angels

Here in Australia we have just had an election. It was one of the longest campaign periods in history and everyone was exhausted from the campaign. It’s not just politicians and the media circus that feel overwhelmed by the process, voters do as well. Unlike many other countries Australia has mandatory voting and this year nearly one million voters chose to do their vote via post and early ballot. In the past these votes didn’t hold much sway in a two-party preferred electoral system but times they are a changin’ ” and now more than ever – every vote counts. No more so that last night with an election too close to call. In the last 10 years we’ve had a hung parliament rule. It didn’t do the country well. It seems we don’t like uncertainty. Business leaders feel uncomfortable. They like to know they’ve got someone in charge with a majority,  even if it’s the one they don’t want!

But Spirit want us to work with uncertainty.  According to the Angels, uncertainty stops us from living in the past or rushing to the future. It makes us face ourselves.

Being present in the now is where change happens.

It’s where we have the greatest power to effect change and to choose something better. This might be difficult for the individual but is almost impossible for institutions and governments,  and yet here we are increasingly having to face this prospect.

Can we

  • be flexible?
  • handle change quickly if necessary?
  • trust our choices are for the greatest common good?

As the new moon for the month of July shows its face today in Cancer we are reminded of the need to honour our feelings that will be felt close to home. Home as in our body, our physical home and the home of our country.

It is a time of high emotional feelings and it is a time when we may also forget others may be going through challenging times and be emotionally overactive as well.

So the angels advise you to:

Acknowledge your own feelings


allow others to have their feelings too…

and this way we might just get through this time of highly charged watery emotions without having to apologize to others too much in the ensuing weeks.

With love from the Angels and


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P.S. If you know of others that may need some comfort in the week ahead please go to The Angels’ Blessing Jar and add their name to list for blessings.

10 ways to cope with Job Transitions

Hello Fabulous Career Women,

Job transitions can be stressful—whether they’re due to layoff, a new job or working extra hours because others workers were laid off.

If you’re facing one, consider the following:

  1. Take an honest look at yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, skills? How did those influence—positively or negatively—your transition?
  1. Step up your self-care. Major changes are physically and emotionally taxing. You need self-care now more than ever.
  1. Engage your curiosity. What went wrong, or right? What could you have done better? What worked really well?
  1. Focus on what you want, and less on what you don’t want. Keep your eye on the prize.
  1. Find support. Since your transition affects your family as well, it may be better to seek the outside support of friends or professionals.
  1. Work on your thoughts. Calm your fears and reinforce your sense of hope and happiness.
  1. Reassure (or avoid) those who are threatened by, or jealous of, the change.
  1. Create your own rite of passage. Ceremony and ritual help with all transitions.
  1. Let go of how things were “supposed to be” and accept “how things are.” Find appreciation for what is.
  1. Keep things in perspective. Or try on a new perspective. Don’t get stuck. Remember, the only constant is change.

Plus 1!

If you need help please consider contacting me or purchasing my book Your Career Your Way.  Together we can pave the way for moving  forward into your new next step.

Wishing you a successful career change.


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Celebrate good times – Solstice and Full Moon Together




Hello Earth Angels

This week we have a rare event – a double whammy of joyousness if you like – the Solstice (whether you’re celebrating Summer or Winter) AND a full moon in Sagittarius.

It is time to celebrate some of the work you’ve been doing since the beginning of the year.

  • What have you changed about yourself, your ideas, your beliefs, your direction moving forward?
  • Have you decided to be more truly authentic?
  • Have you decided no more relationships that don’t honor who you are?
  • Have you decided on a new career direction, more in alignment with your joy factor?
  • Have you decided to live in a new country that resonates more with who you are?
  • Have you decided to follow a long burning ambition to be a clown or a writer?
  • Have you decided to me more of who you are every single day, and to give and share yourself with the world?

This is what you celebrate now – your decision to be you!

Enjoy your decision.

Celebrate your bravery and love for yourself and the world you live in.

Small decisions can have LARGE outcomes.

With love and blessings from the Angels and


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And if you feel like you haven’t yet made that decision and need help  please book a Soul Strategy Session with me and together with the Angels we can find the clarity you need to make the change you truly desire.


Peaceful Coexistence versus Brutal Violence




Hello Earth Angels

We seem to be in a brutal and accelerated expression of violence on planet Earth examples like Orlando. Florida bring it home to us so clearly and we see the senselessness of it.

At these times I am so grateful for the guidance of the angelic realm and of course I asked why? Here was there reply:


Dear Ones

We begin with sending you love, please align yourself with love for this is who your truly are.

Firstly we must say asking “Why” is the wrong question at this time. It is too soon for a true picture to be given of how troubled this soul was or what his purpose was in this time.

What we would like you to focus on is, love and hope.

It is not a time to give up hope, it is a time to dig deep and hold firm to your core values of love, acceptance, light and forgiveness.  It is not time to sit back and judge, it is a time to open your hearts to where you judge in hiding, where you’re practicing violent separation of yourselves and heal this with gentleness so you can help others  to do so too.

Those of you who wish to take action on this matter will be guided to do so. As destined long before you came to Earth, polarised emotional states are part of a continuum of feelings and emotions, not separate and totally distinct from each other. Getting stuck in a particular emotion such as hate, resentment and fear is the real issue. Moving gently and effortlessly through all of your emotions will be the way to ease the pain of your heart with the world and each other.

We are not suggesting to not feel your pain, sorrow and outrage at the events that are playing out in your world, we are saying don’t let them embitter you or have you lose hope or willingness to be loving (even under extenuation circumstances) or make you take retaliatory action. Find ways to increase your love quotient as it will be a much better solution to these situations.

As always we love you Earth Angels.

With love and blessings from the Angels and


If you wish to help those who are suffering please add their initials to the Angels’ Blessing Jar and they will be included in the weekly meditation.

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The Angels of Happiness


Hello Earth Angels

Today the Angels of Happiness arrived

Above is their signature and below their message:

We’re so happy you’ve chosen to bring more happy into your life.

Happy doesn’t need to be something that happens only when good arrives, felt as a fleeting moment.

Happy can be your set-point of how you live your life, how it blooms and thrives.

All you need do is choose it. Choosing HAPPY doesn’t mean you won’t feel other lesser emotions like sadness, sorrow, pain etc. You will have the full spectrum of emotions because that is what living a full life means.
But, and here is the big distinction…
You will not be devastated at the core of you. You won’t be undone by these emotions. You will experience the negative emotions and move on more effortlessly and gracefully.
Choose HAPPY and more moments of HAPPY will show up in every day of your life.
You won’t be as frustrated by life, or feel you are chasing endless dreams just out of reach.
You will feel contented and contented brings a feeling of more happiness giving you less chance to get stuck on lack of, less than, not enough of.
Here’s how you bring more HAPPY into your life:
1) Begin by being happy with you.
2) Add being happy with nature and what’s around you.
3) Add being happy at all that you love – family, friends, career, home, relationships, whatever you can add here do.
4) Make a HAPPY jar where you add happy thoughts, feelings or instances that brought you happiness in your day.
5) Get into the habit of catching yourself smile for no apparent reason – this is HAPPY!
We’re HAPPY you desire happiness as your set point!


Watch your health, wealth and well-being simply burst forth.

With love from the Happiness Angels!
With love and blessings from the Angels and


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June Delights!

Vivid 2016 at the Royal Botanic Gardens

(This photo is from: Vivid-Sydney-2016_Synthesis-The-Royal-Botanic-Garden-Sydney_CREDIT-Destination-NSW_AW1307.jpg)

The Vivid Festival is held annually for two weeks, the last week of autumn and first week of winter in Sydney, NSW Australia.


Dear Earth Angels

Winter descended upon us in those last days of May, to remind us that even within all of the turbulence of what is climate change and irregular weather patterns, some things still come to us as expected.

June brings us these expected changes as well.

Yes there is a need to apply flexibility to how we think and feel this month.  We are certainly learning to “dance on a moving carpet” but if we stay present it will feel like we are dancing rather than holding onto and being at the mercy of, the tiger’s tail!

Presence and calm among volatility and movement is the way to get through this month.

So when you feel like everything is out of control, or your energy, anger or frustration is rising to an unhealthy level, step back and breathe a few deep breaths.

After your breaths, ask yourself if your emotions will help the situation or would you be better approaching the issue from another angle?

June’s energy will help you see different ways of accomplishing something and also give you the flexibility to take a different point of view.

We are learning to take responsibility for our emotional energy and respond in ways that are more beneficial to the wholeness of the planet.

And that can only be a good thing, yes?


With love from the Angels and


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My new job!


Dear Earth Angels

I applied for a job and got it!

You may have wondered what the credentials might be for a job with the Angels. I asked them how they would write a job advertisement and this is what they came up with… and they laughed all the way through writing it!

Angel beings are not always serious, full of their own importance and living in distant lofty towers as we have been shown in much art work and historical references to what the angels are like. They would like you to let go of that idea, please!

There is a reason so many Angels choose to be with children – why you might ask? Well children love to play, laugh, tell stories, imagine, have fun, explore, dance and tell jokes. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with them? my angels say.

If you want the angels to be part of your life, invite them in and let go of being intensely serious.

Life is meant to be joyful even with its challenges.

Now back to work I go! Have a good day everyone!


Blessings from the Angels and


PS – I’ve been working with the Angels for at least 25 years now, so it’s not really a new job. Just putting the record straight.

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If you’re feeling confused as to where to go next, the angels and I can bring some clarity.

Book Here.



Finding you calling or vocation



Hello Fabulous Career Women

When it comes to your career there is a magic sweet spot that brings all of you together.

It is the place where

your talents and skills are used +  you enjoy doing the work + others appreciate your input + your impact has beneficial results for others = The sweet spot.

But sweet spots are not arrived at without effort, energy, making choices and a thing called time. By this I mean, the sweet spot is not usually found in your first encounters with work. The sweet spot is something that happens with age.

Therefore, seeking out the sweet spot is something more suited to a mature worker than a younger one. To get to it requires some self-awareness and self-knowledge.

This article from Daily Good, explores “The 7 lessons about finding your calling”  in more detail.

Check it out and see if you’ve found your calling’s sweet spot.

To your career success.


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A career strategy session can help you clarify what your career sweet spot is. Book now.

