Moon Treasures – New Moon May 2016



Hello Earth Angels

Welcome to a new moon in Taurus opening for you as we move through the five planets retrograde.

We’re in for an interesting time. The angels say:

This is time for a deepening of your connection to your true selves and the earth. It will bring forth in you a greater understanding of abundance.

Abundance is so much more than financial abundance, it is about joy, connection, creative expression, harmony with nature and being in the flow of life.

To deepen your connection you must slow down and take time to reconnect with your senses. Doing this will help you connect to your intuition and it is this that is the real communication you need.

When you are connected and listening to your intuition,

your soul has a chance to direct your life.

This was the reason you came to Earth, to express your soul’s desire, but you can’t express that if you’re not listening to the messages your soul wishes to pass to you to act on.  If you can’t hear these messages you disconnect, you accept others’ ideas of what’s right for you and you feel discouraged, depressed and eventually get sick.

It is time to change this pattern. This month you will get a deeper understanding of you.

We are with you Earth Angels, invite us in if you wish to have help with your connection process.

Love and blessings from the Angels and


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P.S. As I began to write this post I was reminded of a favourite story I read as a child –  Ferdinand the Bull. I simply loved the story of Ferdinand who knew what he loved best and refused to fight because others wanted him to. I’m not sure this story was ever designed to say “Be true to yourself – don’t follow the path others want you to” but it certainly is a lovely way of introducing it to a child, even if the child is hidden within an adult! I watched this cartoon from Walt Disney and relived again my joy in this beautiful story. I hope you feel uplifted and if you have children, share it with them… Blessings to you.


Day # 4 – How to be an Earth Angel

How2BanEA - Day 4


Hello Earth Angels

Welcome to Day # 4 – Daily Blessings.

Of all the days of this program this is probably going to be the hardest… so warn the angels!

Hard, but necessary and profoundly life changing is how the Angels describe this day. Let’s see if we can pleasantly surprise ourselves and others in how we take this challenge on and make it a part of our daily life.

Everything that passes your lips must be blessed.

Be that into your mouth or out of it!

Before taking anything into your mouth mentally say: 

“Bless this. Thank you.”

Before anything leaves your mouth (i.e. words, thoughts of feelings) mentally say:

“Angel’s help me speak with loving kindness.”


The Angels suggest you begin with the 1st part of this – blessing what comes into your mouth first and when this is a good habit you can move to part 2.

They would like you to remember the power of your words to soothe or strike. Loving words have greater power than words that strike.

To do either of these exercises will require you to slow down and be present.

With love and blessings from the Angels and


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Christmas Angel # 6

ChristmasAngel 6



With love and blessings from the Angels and


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The Angels’ Blessing Jar will continue all over Christmas and the New Year – 2016

What if?


Hello Earth Angels

This week I was feeling rather overwhelmed. Something that can happen easily when you’re an introverted empath like me! And because Christmas is coming and I’m trying to get a lot done it is easy for me to forget self-care. This is a slippery slope for me. It goes like this:

overwhelm – moving too fast – no self-care – stress – negative thinking – melt down – drama – crash and burn – stop – re-group – centre – back to when life is good until the cycle starts again.

Now I don’t do these too often now, which means my life has far much less drama in it which is wonderful.  The problem is when it does happen it can be slow to recover from because it strips me of energy more quickly. So in an attempt to understand this I started one of my favourite expansion games – I call it What If?

What if

  • all the suffering and drama I create is simple my ego self saying “You’re not paying attention to me and I’m exhausted and feeling unsafe with all this responsibility?
  •  I placed the ego in a “softly-padded-no-harm-can-be-done-cell” and let it rest from its constant job of protecting me from all the harm it perceives me to be in and let the  rest of me take over and do what needs to be done next
  • I let my intuitive self take over and lead me not into the temptation of the ego to see everything as a matter of life and death but the gentle place of next action wrapped in the arms of uncertainty and not sure?
  • I allowed the very next act I take to be the first step on the way to recovery?
  • I focused on the steps one after another and acknowledged how far I have come and how each step taken in awareness connects me more deeply to what is right and perfect now, even if that now is about crying my eyes out in frustration, pigging out on ice cream or looking through the wanted ads?
  • trusting myself begins with the statement “I don’t trust myself to make the right decision but I’m going to stay with that and see what happens because I’ve faced my fear that I can’t do this on my own?”
  • the dilemma of needing to be perfect, to do the right thing (in accordance with my highfalutin sense of righteousness) is the very thing stopping me from being able to make the right choice?
  • by allowing the pieces of my life to rearrange themselves into the best possible solution I would by default get exactly what I need, want and desire?

Asking “what if?” opens up possibilities and with that opportunities come.

Saying “But and No” closes them down.

In this moment of time I think I’d be better served to open up to possibilities – how about you?


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A Soul Strategy Session can be very helpful when you’ve closed your options down and are having difficulty seeing the way forward. why not book one here.


How do you know when the Angels are communicating with you?



Hello Earth Angels

Last week one of my clients asked this question of me:

I know there are angels but how do I know when you are communicating with me?

The Angels Reply:

Thank you so much for this question. We would like to answer this for you and for others. We show you we are around  you in as many moments as we can. When you stop to admire nature, we are there. When you laugh and play with children we are there. Young children have many angels around them and when children play together we play with them! When  you have an ‘AHA’ moment in your life that is us prompting you to follow through on your intuition. Your intuition is the main communication pathway for us to use. As you grow in trust of your intuition you will learn to have ‘internal conversations’ with us in the same way Melody does. It is only practice.

We would like you to practice this exercise to help you feel more comfortable with us.

Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed. Breathe consciously until your breath is even and deep. Invite us to join you. Think of your favourite colour. This is the ray your angels come to you on. Stay in that receptive state for at least 10 minutes and then write down all the sensations, feelings, ideas, visions and words that came to you during that time.

If you do this with us daily within weeks you will understand your connection to us and we will be able to help you directly. Blessings my beautiful ones.

Love and blessings from the angels and


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If you’d like to have your guardian angel signature drawn by me as a gift all you need do is subscribe to the Living with Angels Blog.

Why we call you Earth Angels.


Hello Earth Angels
Please do not feel uncomfortable with the moniker Earth Angels  – for this is what the Angelic Realm call all humans on earth.
I remember feeling very uncomfortable the first time my Archangel guide, Metatron called me this. At the time I did not feel like an angel, I felt I was a lost cause!  But Archangel Metatron was insistent and explained it like this.
“ We are all part of the Great Consciousness (God, for those who believe) and we chose to express and experience our connection to the Great Consciousness through many different ways across the GC’s creation.
GC sees you as angels in the earthly plane, taking on a human existence. Before all things you are a spiritual expression of the GC and then you are a human being living on Earth.
It is your birthright to give and receive love, to experience the full rainbow of emotions and to choose how you will live your life. Some of these choices you made a long time ago, others you are making moment to moment.
It is your lack of acceptance of the truth of who you really are that causes the most pain and suffering on Earth and this is why we wish you to remember that you are an Earth Angel.

Everything you believe angels to be is what you already are!

Embrace the truth, that you are love, light, joy and happiness and everything in your life will improve and we the Angelic Realm can help you create that life for you… Ask and you shall receive.”
There’s not much more to say really, is there?
With gratitude to the angels and you…..

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Get your Guardian Angel Signature emailed to you as a gift when you sign up for the Living with Angels Newsletter.

Our changing DNA!

Hello Earth Angels

We are only just beginning to understand our physical DNA but there is much more to this than just the physical.

Simone M. Matthews takes up the story here: –

Interestingly, whilst the west focused on the Human Genome project, a team of Russian scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences (headed by Dr. Pjotr Garjajev, also a member of the Academy of Sciences in New York) came together to study the full Genome (full set of DNA).   This team embraced a wide cross-section of professionals from biologists, embryologists, linguists, and bio physicists to name a few.

The research findings of the Russian team revealed that the 95 % Junk DNA, wasn’t infact ‘JUNK’ at all, but rather was a highly evolved biological internet of information which was programmable by our thoughts, words and language.  Sound, colour, frequency, sacred tone & symbols all have an impact on our DNA and we all have the ability to embrace the potential of this biological language.

Wave-Love-Wave-X-DNA-Quantum-LeapLeading edge research from the Russian team identifies that unlocking the language of our 95% ‘Junk’ DNA we possibly awaken our metaphysical abilities such as intuition, claircognizance, clairsentience, & clairvoyance,  we embrace our abilities to self-heal and become conscious of how to work with the energy of the environment for personal and planetary evolution and how we can consciously impact the energy of your environment.

The Russian research also identified the impact of DNA within a vacuum and the possibility of creating magnetised wormholes than enable inter-dimensional communication and the creation of ‘stargates’ between dimensions.

When we alter the energy of the environment (think sound, colour, thoughts, astrological alignments, food, water, sacred geometry etc – refer to the work of Bruce Lipton), the receptors on the outside of our cells pick up the ‘energy’ of the environment and send messages to our DNA.  Our DNA thus becomes a response unit to the changes in the external environment… thus awakening the potential for us to use a higher percentage of our DNA.

Eat unhealthful foods, think the same negative thoughts (conscious or unconscious), immerse yourself with city sounds 24/7 and keep to your mind-numbing routines day in and day out then your DNA will basically output the same ‘Junk’ that you allowed to be input into your body.

Instead, eat a wide range of foods in season and chemical free, spend time in nature being bathed in her orchestral sounds, drink fresh water and think from your Heart-n-Soul and not from the limited mechanics of the brain.  Practice mindful living, be grateful for all of life’s experiences and make compassion a kindness a daily practice.

AND choose to work WITH the potential of this generations astrological alignments including the Wave of LOVE Galactic emissions (as we align on the Galactic Plane – WAVE X) to evolve into the highest expression of your DNA and be an active participant in your personal and our planetary leap in consciousness.

Simone M. Matthews

Wishing you a fabulous week!

With love and blessings from the Angels and


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This is your last day for this offer: For the month of September I am offering a 3 card psychic reading for $5.00. All proceeds from this gig will go the Save the Children Fund’s Refugee Appeal. I may be able to help you and together we will definitely be able to help refugees.

Angel Weekly Messages – Monday 28 September 2015

Hello Earth Angels

In the last 2 -3 days I have been feeling a little worse for wear physically.
Yesterday was the worst day.. and I have to say I was feeling very sorry for myself! I am not good at sickness, I dislike lying low and waiting until I feel better.
In the past I would not stop surging ahead until I got sick. These days I have learned to take what I call ‘mental and spiritual health days’ for the times when I am overwhelmed with living and need a quieter more contemplative connection with the presence of the Source and the angels.
In  fact I have to say the Angels now instruct me as to when I am needing rest and I follow their guidance implicitly. This stops me from over working and allowing my body what it needs – something I have not always been good at in the past.
So I was surprised and not a little put out to find I had what looked like virus like symptoms! As advised by my angels I self-administered activated charcoal tablets, sodium chloride and silica tissue salts and a flower essence blend called Self Heal from
I slept 11 hours and today I’m feel fantastic!
So why am I telling you this?
• Because the angels will assist with all areas of our lives if we let them and will almost certainly give us the right directions to create re-balance.
• The angels would of course advise a doctor’s or health practitioner’s expertise if symptoms persisted or if your symptoms changed for the worse or you felt at all uncomfortable.
• The angels assistance is never about giving you more pain. They are always about loving and supporting you to your very best – and health is no exception.
I merely wanted to share this with you here so that you could see just how listening to your own guardian angels makes sense.
So as someone who rarely gets a virus, I was compelled to ask – WHY?

Here is the angels reply:

Every Earth Angel is currently having their energies re-calibrated to enable them to accept more love and joy into their lives. This means letting go of old beliefs of pain, struggle, lack and despair. These are very stuck beliefs – they cannot be released fully unless we are asked by you to assist. You asked to have them removed and this ‘illness’ is the process we needed you to take to fulfill this task. Over the next 12-18 months there will be more of these re-calibrations as Divine Love is more fully integrated into Earth Angels consciousness and being-ness. It is a wonderful time ahead Beloved and you will be filled with joy. Life will be wonderful on a moment to moment basis. Earth Angels are going to see and know the magnificence of the Source in a completely new way and the feeling of homecoming will wash across the planet as Earth Angels remember who they are and how magnificent they are. We are here to help you. Blessings from us all….

Sometimes we get bigger messages than we expect….
Love and bless-sings from the Angels and

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If you wold like me to give you an angel signature drawing please book here.






This is a signature for all angels who are about health. You can download and ask the angels of health to help you with your healing process.

Disclaimer: Please note this advice is not designed to replace professional advice or the help of your personal health practitioners and no responsibility will be taken by the author in terms of your health.

Super Power Energies This Week!



Hello Earth Angels

I don’t think there is any man, woman or child on the earth who has not felt the rising energies that will culminate in this week.

Most of us are feeling as though we have been tightly wound like a spring, ready to burst or explode and this is showing itself in lots of hot energy. We tend to think of this as a negative thing and of course if the feelings behind the energy are of a low vibration then it can indeed be negative in the short-term.  But in fact this tightening of our inner coil is designed to force us into a new way of being that works from a more positive vibration.

So what is that new force?  The Angels take up the story for us:-

It is the opening and blooming of your love energy, your compassion and kindness.

You are being asked to see yourselves, your fellow humans and your world with kindness and compassion and you are being asked to bring your intuition, creativity, innovation and loving action to the table to find the solutions that plague your current world.

You are seeing the beginnings of real people power as individuals join together to insist you and your world be treated differently. You are not putting up with relying on systems that no longer serve you, be that political, social, financial or personal.

In the coming weeks between this September and the end of the year you will be looking at what doesn’t serve you and letting it go. There will be many changes for all. No one will be immune or exempt. If you hold on you will find it filled with struggle and suffering. If you accept and surrender you will move on and find more ease and grace.

The super powers announcing this change are:

We know you have come to be here on Earth at this time to bring in the new Earth and we support all your efforts, Beloved ones.

With love and blessings from the Angels and


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For the month of September I am offering a 3 card psychic reading for $5.00. All proceeds from this gig will go the Save the Children Fund’s Refugee Appeal. I may be able to help you and together we will definitely be able to help refugees.

Angel Weekly Messages – Monday 14 September 2015



Hello Earth Angels

Surrender is a super power because when you surrender you let go of rushing forward.

You let go of letting your ego run away from your soul as though it knows what’s best for you.

When your soul is in charge you move with the flow. You have your own specific rhythm, the beat that is your own in time with the universe.

This week test your rhythm.

What is your breath doing? Is it slow and even? Does it feel grounded, rested and expansive? Or is it stressed and racing in the top half of your chest?

Slow and even? You are in alignment with your soul.

Fast stressed and racing? You are out of alignment with your soul and your ego is in charge.

Out of alignment you’re not in surrender… you are in Think + Judge + Act which invariably means Resistance + Suffering + Contract.

Your body always give you the truth… just listen for the breath and you will know what to do.

With love and blessings from the Angels and


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For the month of September I am offering a 3 card psychic reading for $5.00. All proceeds from this gig will go the Save the Children Fund’s Refugee Appeal. I may be able to help you and together we will definitely be able to help refugees.